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Radio Spectrum Committee
Radio Spectrum Committee (RSC)
Welcome to the Interest Group 'Radio Spectrum Committee (RSC)'.

The Radio Spectrum Committee (RSC) has been established under the Radio Spectrum Decision 676/2002/EC as part of the new regulatory framework for electronic communications which entered into force on 24 April 2002. The RSC assists the Commission in the development and adoption of technical implementing measures aimed at ensuring harmonised conditions for the availability and efficient use of radio spectrum, as well as the availability of information related to the use of radio spectrum. The committee exercises its function through advisory and regulatory procedures in accordance with the Council Comitology Decision.

Join this Group

.Contact information

Interest Group title

Radio Spectrum Committee

Description and purpose of the interest group

Management of data, information, and knowledge using information society technologies

Membership criteria

'Member' and 'Observer' profiles are only attributed to Member State delegates and Observer institutions that can participate in the RSC meetings. All other interested persons will be granted the 'Public' profile which will allow them to access the Public documents available in the Library section.

How to get access

If you do not have a CIRCABC account yet, first get a username and password using the login button (on the left side). Then login, and apply for membership from the listing of available Interest Groups on CIRCABC home page. Your application will then be automatically forwarded to the managers of this group.

.What's new
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