The Netherlands
Country: The Netherlands |
Year: 2021 |
Title: ICT-gebruik bedrijven 2021 |
Organisation running the survey: Statistics Netherlands |
Survey period: 24.03.2021 – 29.09.2021 for general survey and survey on micro-enterprises |
Sampling and statistical methodology: Last update of the business register 01.12.2020 Sample drawn on 05.03.2021. It is not actively co-ordinated, however, the sampling frames for both statistics were last updated at 1 December 2020.
Stratification: Enterprises with 100 or more persons employed are all included in the gross sample. For enterprises with 2-100 persons employed a random sample is used, stratified by Nace (32) x Size class (6). Sample size is based on prior experiences and cost considerations. For optimal distribution of sample units across the strata, the Neymann allocation method is used. Enterprises that are drawn in other business survey samples have a reduced likelihood of being drawn into the sample of this survey. |
Reference period: The model questionnaire was followed. |
Collection method: Stand-alone and voluntary survey. Web survey only. |
Population covered: NACE Rev. 2 sections C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M and N, division 95.1. Enterprises with 2 or more employed persons. The geographic scope of the survey is the Netherlands (excluding the islands in the Carribean that are part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands). |
Population size: 290.297 enterprises (whereof 236.329 ent. 2-9) |
Sample size: 24.218 enterprises (whereof 10.571 ent. 2-9) |
Overall response rate: 75% for enterprises 10+ and 45% for micro-enterprises |
Main methodological differences compared to previous survey(s): NACE Rev. 2 division 75 covered. Covered micro-enterprises since 2018 survey |
Country: The Netherlands |
Year: 2020 |
Title: ICT-gebruik bedrijven 2020 |
Organisation running the survey: Statistics Netherlands |
Survey period: 25.02.2020 – 29.09.2020 for general survey and survey on micro-enterprises |
Sampling and statistical methodology: Last update of the business register 01.12.2019 Sample drawn on 10.02.2020. It is not actively co-ordinated, however, the sampling frames for both statistics were last updated at 1 December 2019.
Stratification: Enterprises with 100 or more persons employed are all included in the gross sample. For enterprises with 2-100 persons employed a random sample is used, stratified by Nace (32) x Size class (6). Sample size is based on prior experiences and cost considerations. For optimal distribution of sample units across the strata, the Neymann allocation method is used. Enterprises that are drawn in other business survey samples have a reduced likelihood of being drawn into the sample of this survey. |
Reference period: The model questionnaire was followed. |
Collection method: Stand-alone and voluntary survey. Web survey only. |
Population covered: NACE Rev. 2 sections C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L and N, divisions 69-74 and 95.1. Enterprises with 2 or more employed persons. The results refer to the whole country (excluding the islands in the Caribbean that are part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands). |
Population size: 242.283 enterprises (whereof 190.171 ent. 2-9) |
Sample size: 21.825 enterprises (whereof 8.619 ent. 2-9) |
Overall response rate: 77% for enterprises 10+ and 52% for micro-enterprises |
Main methodological differences compared to previous survey(s): Covered micro-enterprises since 2018 survey |
Country: The Netherlands |
Year: 2019 |
Title: ICT-gebruik bedrijven 2019 |
Organisation running the survey: Statistics Netherlands |
Survey period: 7th March – 29 Aug 2019 for general survey and survey on micro-enterprises |
Sampling and statistical methodology: The population described in the ICT-survey is drawn from the same Business Register as the Structural Business Statistics and at the same reference date: 01/12/2018. Sample drawn on 31/01/2019. It is not actively co-ordinated, however, the sampling frames for both statistics were last updated at 1 December 2018.
Stratification: Enterprises with 250 or more persons employed are all included in the gross sample. For enterprises with 2-250 persons employed a random sample is used, stratified by Nace (32) x Size class (6). Sample size is based on prior experiences and cost considerations. For optimal distribution of sample units across the strata, the Neymann allocation method is used. Enterprises that are drawn in other business survey samples have a reduced likelihood of being drawn into the sample of this survey. |
Reference period: as in MQ |
Collection method: Web survey only. It is not mandatory and stand-alone survey. |
Population covered: NACE Rev. 2 sections C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L and N, divisions 69-74 and 95.1. Enterprises with 2 or more employed persons. The results refer to the whole country (excluding the islands in the Caribbean that are part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands). |
Population size: 242.283 enterprises (whereof 190.796 ent. 2-9) |
Sample size: 20.124 enterprises (whereof 8.706 ent. 2-9) |
Overall response rate: 68% for enterprises 10+ and 50% for micro-enterprises |
Main methodological differences compared to previous survey(s): Covered micro-enterprises since 2018 survey |
Country: The Netherlands |
Year: 2018 |
Title: ICT-gebruik bedrijven 2018 |
Organisation running the survey: Statistics Netherlands |
Survey period: 22nd March – 29 Aug 2018 for general survey and survey on micro-enterprises |
Sampling and statistical methodology: The population described in the ICT-survey is drawn from the same Business Register as the Structural Business Statistics and at the same reference date: 01/12/2017. Sample drawn on 15/12/2017. Frame population is not actively co-ordinated with SBS population.
Stratification: Enterprises with 250 or more persons employed are all included in the gross sample. For enterprises with 2-250 persons employed a random sample is used, stratified by Nace (32) x Size class (6). Sample size is based on prior experiences and cost considerations. For optimal distribution of sample units across the strata, the Neymann allocation method is used. Enterprises that are drawn in other business survey samples have a reduced likelihood of being drawn into the sample of this survey. |
Reference period: as in MQ |
Collection method: Web survey only. It is not mandatory and stand-alone survey. |
Population covered: NACE Rev. 2 sections C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L and N, divisions 69-74 and 95.1. Enterprises with 2 or more employed persons. The results refer to the whole country (excluding the islands in the Caribbean that are part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands). |
Population size: 243.854 enterprises (whereof 193.920 ent. 2-9) |
Sample size: 19.796 enterprises (whereof 8.797 ent. 2-9) |
Overall response rate: 71% for enterprises 10+ and 50% for micro-enterprises |
Main methodological differences compared to previous survey(s): Covered micro-enterprises in 2018 |
Country: The Netherlands |
Year: 2017 |
Title: ICT-gebruik bedrijven 2017 |
Organisation running the survey: Statistics Netherlands |
Survey period: 22nd Febr. – 24th August 2017 |
Sampling and statistical methodology: The population described in the ICT-survey is drawn from the same Business Register as the Structural Business Statistics and at the same reference date: 01/12/2016. Sample drawn on 15/12/2016. Frame population is not actively co-ordinated with SBS population.
Stratification: Enterprises with 250 or more persons employed are all included in the gross sample. For enterprises with 10-250 persons employed a random sample is used, stratified by Nace (32) x Size class (6). Sample size is based on prior experiences and cost considerations. For optimal distribution of sample units across the strata, the Neymann allocation method is used. Enterprises that are drawn in other business survey samples have a reduced likelihood of being drawn into the sample of this survey. |
Reference period: as in MQ |
Collection method: Web survey only. It is a mandatory and stand-alone survey. |
Population covered: NACE Rev. 2 sections C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L and N, divisions 69-74 and 95.1. Enterprises with 10 or more employed persons. The results refer to the whole country (excluding the islands in the Caribbean that are part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands). |
Population size: 48.573 enterprises |
Sample size: 10.731 enterprises |
Overall response rate: 72.9% |
Main methodological differences compared to previous survey(s): none |
Country: The Netherlands |
Year: 2016 |
Title: ICT-gebruik bedrijven 2016 |
Organisation running the survey: Statistics Netherlands |
Survey period: 26th February – 20th Sept. 2016 |
Sampling and statistical methodology: The population described in the ICT-survey is drawn from the same Business Register as the Structural Business Statistics and at the same reference date: 01/12/2015. Sample drawn on 15/12/2015. Frame population is not actively co-ordinated with SBS population.
Stratification: Enterprises with 250 or more persons employed are all included in the gross sample. For enterprises with 10-250 persons employed a random sample is used, stratified by Nace (32) x Size class (6). Sample size is based on prior experiences and cost considerations. For optimal distributon of sample units across the strata, the Neymann allocation method is used. Enterprises that are drawn in other business survey samples have a reduced likelihood of being drawn into the sample of this survey. |
Reference period: as in MQ |
Collection method: Web survey. Respondents only receive a paper form at their own request. Very few (less than 50) respondents used a paper form. It is a mandatory and stand alone survey. |
Population covered: NACE Rev. 2 sections C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L and N, divisions 69-74 and 95.1. Enterprises with 10 or more employed persons. The results refer to the whole country. |
Population size: 47.986 enterprises |
Sample size: 10.577 enterprises |
Overall response rate: 75% |
Main methodological differences compared to previous survey(s): none |
Country: The Netherlands |
Year: 2015 |
Title: ICT-gebruik bedrijven 2015 |
Organisation running the survey: Statistics Netherlands |
Survey period: 12th March – 1st October 2015 |
Sampling and statistical methodology: The population described in the ICT-survey is drawn from the same Business Register as the Structural Business Statistics and at the same reference date: 1-12-2014. In principle, there is no change in the population frame during the course of the statistical process. In practice, however, we may find out that some enterprises that were originally defined in our population may be, in fact, no longer active for some reason. Due to administrative delays they may no longer have existed in most of the reference period without us knowing this in time. In these cases, we may adjust the population somewhat 'a posteriori'. However, these adjustments are insignificantly small in number.
Stratification: The target variables (of year t-1) used to allocate the sample were: - the number of enterprises receiving orders online (a qualitative variable). - the number of fte's spent on developing own account software (a quantitative variable). The population/sample was divided into 61 NACE-aggregates and 20 groups of size classes resulting into 610 cells/strata. About 12 000 enterprises were allocated in a way that on a national level the relative confidence intervals for the target variables were as small as possible. Enterprises with 250 or more employed persons were integrally included in the sample. In principle, the Neyman allocation was used to allocate the 12 000 enterprises over the different strata. The allocation is therefore based on the variance of the target variable in the relevant strata. The most recent allocation was determined in the autumn of 2011, based on the data of the 2011 Survey. A system to spread the 'administrative burden' for enterprises is used to avoid -if possible- that certain enterprises receive many questionnaires in year 't' and others none or just a few. So, the overlap with other surveys in the same period (e.g. the structural business statistics survey) is minimized. |
Reference period: as in MQ |
Collection method: Web survey. Respondents only receive a paper form at their own request. Very few (less than 50) respondents used a paper form. It is a mandatory and stand alone survey. |
Population covered: NACE Rev. 2 sections C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L and N, divisions 69-74 and 95.1. Enterprises with 10 or more employed persons. The results refer to the whole country. |
Population size: 47.775 enterprises |
Sample size: 10.612 enterprises |
Overall response rate: 73% |
Main methodological differences compared to previous survey(s):
Several changes had been implemented in previous years (2013 and 2014). |
Country: Netherlands |
Year: 2009 |
Title: ICT-gebruik bedrijven 2008 |
Organisation running the survey: Statistics Netherlands |
Survey period: 2nd March 2009/ (sending out/receiving back the questionnaires.) |
Sampling and statistical methodology: The population (pop) is drawn from the same business-register as the survey for the Structural Business Statistics and at the same reference date (1.12.2008). Stratification: The target-variables (of year t-1) used to allocate the
sample were: NACE Rev 2: The pop/sample was divided into 61 NACE-aggregates and 10 groups of size-classes resulting in 610 cells/strata. Ca. 11 000 enterprises were allocated in a way that on a national level the relative confidence-intervals for the target-variables were as small as possible. Enterprises with 250 or more employed persons were integrally included in the sample. In principle the Neyman-allocation was used to allocate the 11 000 enterprises over the different strata, meaning that the allocation is inversely proportional to the variance of the target-variable in the relevant strata. NACE Rev 1.1: The pop/sample for NACE Rev 2 was used as a base. For those groups that were included in the 1.1 version but that are no longer part of the survey domain acc Rev 2, the pop/sample was complemented. The same method as described for Rev 2 was used for these specific groups. A system to ‘spread’ the administrative burden for enterprises is used to avoid - if possible - that certain enterprises receive a lot of questionnaires in year t and others none or just a few. So, the overlap with other surveys in the same period e.g. the SBS survey, is minimized. |
Reference period: Qualitative questions
(yes/no-questions or tick-box questions): end of 2008. |
Collection method: The questionnaires are sent out by mail (self-administered
mail survey). |
Population covered: NACE Rev 1.1: sections D, F, G, I, K; groups 55.1, 55.2, 92.1, 92.2; classes 65.12, 65.22, 66.01 and 66.03. Optional classes: section E, 55.3-55.5, 92.3-92.7, 93, 67.12, 67.13, 67.2. Division 22 NACE Rev 2: Sections CDEFGHIJLN, divisions 69-74, groups 65.1, 65.2, classes 64.19, 64.92, 66.12, 66.19 Enterprises with 10 or more employed persons. The results refer to the whole country. |
Population size: 60.963 enterprises |
Sample size: 10.146 |
Overall response rate: 71% |
Main methodological differences compared to previous survey(s):
See also Summary methodology 4. – Footnotes |
Country: Netherlands |
Year: 2008 |
Title: ICT-gebruik bedrijven 2007 |
Organisation running the survey: Statistics Netherlands |
Survey period: 7th March 2008/1st Sept 2008 (sending out/receiving back the questionnaires.) |
Sampling and statistical methodology: The population is drawn from the same business-register as the survey for the Structural Business Statistics and at the same reference date i.c 1-12-2007. Stratification: The target-variables (of year t-1) used to allocate the
sample were: The population/sample was divided into 48 NACE-aggregates and 10 groups of size-classes resulting in 480 cells/strata. Ca. 11 000 enterprises were allocated in a way that on a national level the relative confidence-intervals for the target-variables were as small as possible. Enterprises with 250 or more employed persons were integrally included in the sample. In principle the Neyman-allocation was used to allocate the 11 000 enterprises over the different strata, meaning that the allocation is inversely proportional to the variance of the target-variable in the relevant strata. A rotation-fraction of .5 was used, meaning that 50 percent of the sample - if possible – exists of enterprises which also in the year t-1 were included in the sample. A system to ‘spread’ the administrative burden for enterprises is used to avoid - if possible - that certain enterprises receive a lot of questionnaires in year t and others none or just a few. So, the overlap with other surveys in the same period e.g. the structural business statistics survey, is minimized. |
Reference period: Qualitative questions
(yes/no-questions or tick-box questions): end of 2007. |
Collection method: The questionnaires are sent out by mail. |
Population covered: - The mandatory NACE-aggregates
are included in the survey (DA-DE, DF-DH, DI-DJ, DK-DN, 22, 40, 41, 45, 50,
51, 52, 55.1-55.2, 60-63, 64, 72, 70-74 (excl. 72), 92.1-92.2). Enterprises with 10 or more employed persons. The results refer to the whole country.
Population size: 64.210 enterprises |
Sample size: 7.276 |
Overall response rate: 64% |
Main methodological differences compared to previous survey(s): Reference period: end of 2007 (instead of Jan 2008)
See also Summary methodology 4. – Footnotes |
Country: Netherlands |
Year: 2007 |
Title: ICT-gebruik bedrijven 2006 |
Organisation running the survey: Statistics Netherlands |
Survey period: 1st March 2007/1st June 2007: sending out/receiving back the questionnaires. |
Sampling and statistical methodology: The population described in the ICT-survey is drawn from the same business-register as the survey for the Structural Business Statistics and at the same reference date i.e 1-12-2006.
Stratification: The target-variables (of year
t-1) used to allocate the sample are: The population/sample was divided into 48 NACE-aggregates and 10 groups of size-classes resulting in 480 cells/strata. Ca. 12 000 enterprises were allocated in a way that on a national level the relative confidence-intervals for the target-variables were as small as possible. Enterprises with 250 or more employed persons were integrally included in the sample. By choosing a maximum number of 11 000 enterprises to be allocated a response percentage of 50 percent is anticipated. In principle the Neyman-allocation was used to allocate the 11 000 enterprises over the different strata, meaning that the allocation is inversely proportional to the variance of the target-variable in the relevant strata. A rotation-fraction of .5 was used, meaning that 50 percent of the sample - if possible – exists of enterprises which also in the year t-1 were included in the sample. A system to ‘spread’ the administrative burden for enterprises is used to avoid that certain enterprises receive a lot of questionnaires in year t and others none or just a few. So, the overlap with other surveys in the same period e.g. the SBS survey, is minimized. |
Reference period: Qualitative questions
(yes/no-questions or tick-box questions): december 2006. |
Collection method: The questionnaires are sent out by mail. |
Population covered: - The mandatory NACE-aggregates
are included in the survey (DA-DE, DF-DH, DI-DJ, DK-DN, 22, 40, 41, 45, 50,
51, 52, 55.1-55.2, 60-63, 64, 72, 70-74 (excl. 72), 92.1-92.2). Enterprises with 10 or more employed persons. The results refer to the whole country.
Population size: 61311 enterprises |
Sample size: 11322 |
Overall response rate: |
Main methodological differences compared to previous survey(s): See also Summary methodology 4. – Footnotes |
Country: Netherlands |
Year: 2006 |
Title: ICT-gebruik bedrijven 2005 |
Organisation running the survey: Statistics Netherlands |
Survey period: 9 February 2006/15 June 2006:
sending out/receiving back the questionnaires, general survey. |
Sampling and statistical methodology: The population described in the ICT-survey is drawn from the same business-register as the survey for the Structural Business Statistics and at the same reference date i.e 1-12-2005.
Stratification: The target-variables (of year
t-1) used to allocate the sample are: The population/sample was divided into 48 NACE-aggregates and 10 groups of size-classes resulting in 480 cells/strata. Ca. 12 000 enterprises were allocated in a way that on a national level the relative confidence-intervals for the target-variables were as small as possible. Enterprises with 250 or more employed persons were integrally included in the sample. By choosing a maximum number of 12 000 enterprises to be allocated a response percentage of 50 percent is anticipated. In principle the Neyman-allocation was used to allocate the 12 000 enterprises over the different strata, meaning that the allocation is inversely proportional to the variance of the target-variable in the relevant strata. A rotation-fraction of .5 was used, meaning that 50 percent of the sample - if possible – exists of enterprises which also in the year t-1 were included in the sample. A system to ‘spread’ the administrative burden for enterprises is used to avoid - if possible - that certain enterprises receive a lot of questionnaires in year t and others none or just a few. So, the overlap with other surveys in the same period e.g. the structural business statistics survey, is minimized. |
Reference period: Qualitative questions
(yes/no-questions or tick-box questions): end of 2005. |
Collection method: The questionnaires are sent out by mail. |
Population covered: - The mandatory NACE-aggregates are
included in the survey (DA-DE, DF-DH, DI-DJ, DK-DN, 22, 40, 41, 45, 50, 51,
52, 55.1-55.2, 60-63, 64, 72, 70-74 (excl. 72), 92.1-92.2). Enterprises with 10 or more employed persons.
Population size: 59 925 enterprises |
Sample size: 9 231 |
Overall response rate: 67% |
Main methodological differences compared to previous survey(s): See also Summary methodology 4. – Footnotes |
Country: Netherlands |
Year: 2005 |
Title: ICT-gebruik bedrijven 2004 / ICT-gebruik financiële sector 2004 |
Organisation running the survey: Statistics Netherlands |
Survey period: February 2005: sending out the
questionnaires, general survey. |
Sampling and statistical methodology: The population described in the ICT-survey is drawn from the same business-register as the survey for the Structural Business Statistics and at the same reference date i.e 1-12-2004.
Stratification: The target-variables (of year
t-1) used to allocate the sample are: The population/sample was divided into 56 NACE-aggregates and 7 groups of size-classes resulting in 392 cells/strata. Ca. 12 000 enterprises were allocated in a way that on a national level the relative confidence-intervals for the target-variables were as small as possible. Enterprises with 250 or more employed persons were integrally included in the sample. By choosing a maximum number of 12 000 enterprises to be allocated a response percentage of 50 percent is anticipated. In principle the Neyman-allocation was used to allocate the 12 000 enterprises over the different strata, meaning that the allocation is inversely proportional to the variance of the target-variable in the relevant strata. A rotation-fraction of .5 was used, meaning that 50 percent of the sample - if possible – exists of enterprises which also in the year t-1 were included in the sample. A system to ‘spread’ the administrative burden for enterprises is used to avoid - if possible - that certain enterprises receive a lot of questionnaires in year t and others none or just a few. So, the overlap with other surveys in the same period e.g. the structural business statistics survey, is minimized. |
Reference period: Qualitative questions
(yes/no-questions or tick-box questions): end of 2004. |
Collection method: The questionnaires are sent out by mail. |
Population covered: - The mandatory NACE-aggregates
are included in the survey (DA-DE, DF-DH, DI-DJ, DK-DN, 45, 50, 51, 52,
55.1-55.2, 60-63, 64, 72, 70-74 (excl. 72), 92.1-92.2). Enterprises with 10 or more employed persons.
Population size: 53480 enterprises |
Sample size: 8339 |
Overall response rate: 71% |
Main methodological differences compared to previous survey(s): See also Summary methodology 4. – Footnotes |
Country: Netherlands |
Year: 2004 |
Title: ICT-gebruik bedrijven 2003 |
Organisation running the survey: Statistics Netherlands |
Survey period: 22th of April 2004:
sending out the questionnaires. |
Sampling and statistical methodology: The population described in the ICT-survey is drawn from the same business-register as the survey for the Structural Business Statistics and at the same reference date i.c 1-12-2003.
Stratification: The target-variables (of year
t-1) used to allocate the sample are: The population/sample was divided into 56 NACE-aggregates and 7 groups of size-classes resulting in 392 cells/strata. Ca. 12 000 enterprises were allocated in a way that on a national level the relative confidence-intervals for the target-variables were as small as possible. Enterprises with 250 or more employed persons were integrally included in the sample. By choosing a maximum number of 12 000 enterprises to be allocated a response percentage of 50 percent is anticipated. In principle the Neyman-allocation was used to allocate the 12 000 enterprises over the different strata, meaning that the allocation is inversely proportional to the variance of the target-variable in the relevant strata. A rotation-fraction of .5 was used, meaning that 50 percent of the sample - if possible – exists of enterprises which also in the year t-1 were included in the sample. A system to ‘spread’ the administrative burden for enterprises is used to avoid - if possible - that certain enterprises receive a lot of questionnaires in year t and others none or just a few. So, the overlap with other surveys in the same period e.g. the structural business statistics survey, is minimized. |
Reference period: Qualitative questions
(yes/no-questions or tick-box questions): end of 2003. |
Collection method: The questionnaires are sent out by mail. |
Population covered: - The mandatory NACE-aggregates
are included in the survey (DA-DE, DF-DH, DI-DJ, DK-DN, 45, 50, 51, 52,
55.1-55.2, 60-63, 64, 72, 70-74 (excl. 72), 92.1-92.2). Enterprises with 10 or more employed persons.
Population size: 53829 enterprises |
Sample size: 8598 |
Overall response rate: 68% |
Main methodological differences compared to previous survey(s): - Questions on ICT-expenditures were skipped. - Sales and purchases are now split between Internet and non-internet-networks (as Eurostat does). In the past we asked only sales/purchases via all electronic networks. Somehow this change has lead to a decline in the number of enterprises selling/purchasing online.
See also Summary methodology 4. – Nature of the basic data |
Country: Netherlands |
Year: 2003 |
Title: ICT-survey 2002-2004, enterprises (ICT-gebruik bedrijven 2002-2004) |
Organisation running the survey: Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek) |
Survey period: April - May 2003 |
Stratification Stratification variables: economic activity (NACE), employment size classes (5-9, 10-49, 50-249, 250+). |
Reference period: Jan 2002 - Jan 2003 |
Collection method: Postal survey |
Population covered: NACE sections: A+B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, N, O plus group 80.4, enterprises with 5+ employees. |
Population size: National survey: 138 164 enterprises Eurostat part - 60 543 enterprises |
Sample size: National survey - sample size:15 369
enterprises, sample fraction: 7% |
Overall response rate: 62% |
Deviations from Eurostat model: No distinction is made between Internet and other computer-mediated networks. |
Country: Netherlands |
Year: 2002 |
Title: ICT-survey 2001-2003, enterprises (Automatiseringsenquête 2001-2003, particuliere sector) |
Organisation running the survey: Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek) |
Survey period: May - June 2002 |
Stratification variables: economic activity (NACE), employment size classes (5-9, 10-49, 50-199, 200+).
Reference period: Jan 2001 - Jan 2002 |
Collection method: Postal survey |
Population covered: NACE sections A+B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, N, O and group 80.4, enterprises with 5+ employees. |
Population size: National survey - 108 682 enterprises Eurostat part - 45 273 enterprises |
Sample size: National survey - sample size: 13 593
enterprises, sample fraction: 6% |
Overall response rate: 49% for Eurostat part, 51% for national survey |
Deviations from Eurostat model: No distinction is made between Internet and other computer-mediated networks. |