What is EDIT?

EDIT is a generic editing system developed by Eurostat for use by the European Statistical System (see Eurostat EDIT 2012 presentation).

It allows importing data, perform a set of data editing (including some outlier detection and deterministic imputation) operations and export resulting data and reports (see EDIT User Manual).

It works with aggregate and micro-data and does intra- and inter-record checks and various data set operations (copy, merge, append, etc.).

It can use other data sets as a reference (see EDIT Scripting Language).

How to access EDIT?

To obtain access to EDIT you need to have ECAS (European Commission Authentication System) account.
If you don't have one please register using the Sign Up form for external users

Once you have an ECAS account, please contact Eurostat by sending an email to ESTAT-VALIDATION@ec.europa.eu and provide the following information:
  1. your ECAS userID
  2. for the existing domain - its name
  3. or for a new domain its one word name (e.g., ISPH) and a few word description, e.g.,International Survey of Payroll and Hours.

We will create an EDIT account and a private workspace for your domain or we will add a new person to an existing domain.