LATGALE REGION - Environment
Extensive nature reserves, effective solution of cross-border pollution
The environmental situation in the region is generally good and the network of protected territories ensures the conservation of natural resources, especially the region?s biological diversity. Latgale's 1 886.2 km2 of reserves include part of the Teicu reserve and numerous other areas of outstanding interest.
Pollution is most serious in and around major cities and where there is incoming cross-border pollution from Lithuania and Belarus. An early warning system for radioactive accidents has been set up and great importance is attached to the performance of this system due to the proximity of the Ignalina nuclear power station in Lithuania (only 30 km from Daugavpils). The detectors are placed in Daugavpils, Rezekne, Balvi and other localities.
Some 80% of air pollutants come from mobile sources. Emissions from stationary sources in the region are approximately the same as the national average and do not exceed legal limits.
Although there are large deposits of underground drinking water in Latgale, its quality is reduced in some places by an increased iron content, low fluoride content and, quite frequently, excessive hardness. Some 55 mechanical and 182 biological sewerage treatment facilities operate in the region.
A high priority in the region is waste disposal, as large amounts of garbage are a heavy load on the environment, especially in the vicinity of the large cities.
A digital exchange has been installed in Daugavpils and the transition to digital exchanges in the whole region is going on.
The Latgale region consumes 15% of the total consumption of electricity of the country. Having no important energy sources of its own, nearly all energy resources are imported from other regions. Only a few small rivers with 4 small operating hydroelectric power stations, a number of millponds and waterworks regulating the flow of water are worth mentioning as local energy resources.