This group provides information and downloadable data, which are extracted from both Taric and Quota databases. It is held by Unit B5 of DG Taxation and Customs Union. It is public and not password-protected. No registration is mandatory. However you may also sign up, which will guarantee being informed of the updates when they are published. To become member, an EU Login is needed ( ).
TARIC: Tariff data, nomenclature and reference files are updated every month. The nomenclature is extracted by default in English, French and German and, twice a year, in all official languages (except Maltese and Gaelic, which are not included in the TARIC). All data reflect always the situation on the 1st day of the month and are provided by default in English.
Quota: The Commission’s Directorate General for Taxation and Customs Union, in co-operation with the customs administrations of the Member States, is in charge of the treatment of EU tariff quotas managed following the chronological order of dates of customs declarations (the so-called “first-come first-served” method). (Article 308a of the Implementing Provisions of the EU Customs Code.) In order to ensure maximum transparency, it has been decided to publish on a weekly basis a consolidated report on the use of these tariff quotas for the entire European Union in an Excel format. Usage of "First Come First Served" quotas is published on a weekly base.
For more details, click on name of the group to go to its home page. Click on Library in the top tool bar and read the explanation files.
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