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Asylum and Managed Migration
Welcome to the Interest Group 'Asylum and Managed Migration '.

This interest group provides access to relevant documents in the area of Asylum and managed migration statistics

Join this Group

.Contact information

For further information and usage please contact:

Piotr Juchno, Eurostat

phone: (+352) 4301 36240


Descrption and purpose of the interest group

Documents, reports, data on Asylum, Residence Permit, Enforcement and Migrant Integration.

Membership criteria

Membership is normally granted for all users from official institutions and other collaborators who have interest in what is given above as description. Much more information is available for members than for public users.

How to get access

If you do not have a CIRCA account yet, first get a username and password using the self-registration mechanism of CIRCA. Then login, and apply for membership from the listing of available Interest Groups on CIRCA home page. Your application will then be automatically forwarded to the leaders.

.What's new
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