Actuarial Calculations of Social Benefits of Personnel of EU Institutions | |  |
Agricultural price statistics | |  |
Agriculture_Statistics_Projects | |  |
Agri-environmental statistics | Statistical needs for Agri-Environment. This interest group contains information and documents relating to the Eurostat Working Group on Agri-environment. |  |
Animal production statistics | Documents on animal production statistics - working groups, methodology, etc. |  |
Annual and quarterly accounts by institutional sectors | Information on Sector Accounts including the Task Force of Quarterly Sector Accounts |  |
Article 64 & Article 65 (Correction Coefficients & Remuneration Indicators) - Public | All documents are publicly available (no login-password needed) Use ONLY this direct link : |  |
Article 83 Working Group | Working Group on Pensions |  |
Asylum and Managed Migration | |  |
Balance of Payments - BOP | Information of relevance to the Balance of Payments Working Group |  |
Big Data | Interest group dedicated to the use of Big Data in official statistics in the European Statistical System. |  |
BRnet | This interest group contains documents relevant to the European Statistical Business Registers (SBR), including national SBR and EuroGroups Register (EGR). |  |
Business Statistics Directors Group (BSDG) | |  |
Calls for tenders - Unit ESTAT C2 | | |
CARE Group | |  |
Causes Of Death | |  |
Cities and Regional Portraits website | Historical content of Cities and Regional Portraits website (group no longer active). | |
Classifications Working Group | |  |
CODIF | Dissemination Committee | |
Commission expert group on statistics on plastic packaging waste | |  |
Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics (CMFB) | Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics |  |
CoRD | |  |
CPSA | |  |
Crime Statistics | |  |
Crop production statistics | Documents on crop production statistics - working groups, methodology, etc... |  |
Culture statistics | Document repository for the Culture Statistics Working Group and related activities. |  |
Data Transmission Coordinators Group (DTCG) | |  |
DGAS - Directors Group on Agricultural and Fisheries Statistics | Document repository for the Directors' Group on Agricultural Statistics. |  |
DIME – Directors of Methodology | | |
DIMESA – Directors of sectoral and environmental statistics and accounts | Document repository for the DIMESA and the DIMESA Bureau. This interest group replaces the repositories for the DIMESA in the Environment meetings interest group. |  |
Directors of Macro-economic Statistics meetings (public) | |  |
ECHP | | |
| | |
EDAMIS Help Centre | |  |
EDI and Statistics | |  |
EDIT tool for statistical data validation | |  |
Education and Training Statistics | |  |
EMIS Annexes | |  |
Energy Statistics | Basic documentation (e.g. agenda, minutes) |  |
Environment Meetings | Documents of meetings on environmental statistics and accounts. For information on DIMESA activities and meetings please visit this separate DIMESA interest group">DIMESA interest group |  |
Environment Statistics, Indicators and Accounting | |  |
EPSAS interest group | This interest group is dedicated to inform and exchange documents, experiences and points of view regarding the adoption and implementation of European Public Sector Accounting Standards (EPSAS) in EU Member States. |  |
| |  |
ESOP task force on implementation guidelines for a harmonised population base | |  |
ESOP task force on technical specifications and data requirements | |  |
ESS - Resources Directors' Group | |  |
ESS IT Security | |  |
ESS Metadata Handler | |  |
ESS Validation | |  |
ESS Vision 2020 ESDEN project space | Interest group of the members of the Steering Group of the ESDEN project. |  |
ESS Vision Implementation Group | Repository of documents prepared and discussed by the Vision Implementation Group (VIG). All documents and discussion threads are open to members of the Vision implementation network (VIN). |  |
Essential SNA: Building the basics | Project to support the implementation of the System of National Accounts in the Least Developed Countries, Micro-States and countries that haven't implemented or want to improve the SNA. The project will be developed from March 2011 to February 2014. What you can find here: Handbook - Essential SNA: Building the Basics; Monthly Papers about SNA; Discussion Forum; e-learning based on the Handbook; Information about other project activities: training courses and field coaching. |  |
ESSPROS | Information and documentation concerning the European System of integrated Social Protection Statistics. |  |
EU Job Vacancy Statistics | This Interest Group is a reference point for the information available on EU job vacancy data, national methodologies and future developments in the EU. |  |
Euroindicators | This interest group dealt with short-term indicators for the euro area and is currently not active. |  |
European Directors of Social Statistics | Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) - document repository for the DSS and related expert groups |  |
European Health Interview Survey | Development and implementation of the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) within the European Statistical System. EHIS focuses health status, health determinants and use of health care services. |  |
European Master in Official Statistics | European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS) is a joint project of data producers and 23 universities in 15 countries to provide post graduate education in official statistics at the European level. Universities deliver the courses matching the EMOS learning outcomes and the producers collaborate for example with internships and master theses of the students. More info at |  |
European Network of Multinational Enterprise Groups Coordinators (MNEnet) | | |
European Statistical Forum (ESF) | |  |
European Statistical System Innovation Network | |  |
European Statistical System Strategic Communication | |  |
European Statistical Training Programme (ESTP) | Starting with the 2012 programme, training material of all European Statistical Training Programme (ESTP) courses. Courses are delivered either at Eurostat premises or in national training sites of EU and EFTA countries. |  |
Eurostat/ITF/UNECE Common Questionnaire for inland transport statistics | |  |
Eurostat Classifications (RAMON Archives) | |  |
Eurotrace Interest Group | Eurostat supports the European Community's development cooperation in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) by providing advice on statistical issues to help achieve the overall development goals for each ACP country and region. The EUROTRACE software provides assistance in compiling external trade data. Eurotrace Interest Group was created to serve as a platform for exchanging experiences, together with ideas on the mid and long term development of the Eurotrace software. |  |
EU-SILC | This Interest Group is a reference point for the information available on European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) instrument. |  |
Excessive Deficit Procedure Statistics Working Group (former FAWG) | Information on the meetings of the Working Group which brings together Member States, Candidate and Potential Candidate Countries and other international organisations for discussion on Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP) Statistics and Government Finance Statistics |  |
Extra- and Intra-EU Trade | This Interest Group provides information about the activities of working and expert groups dealing with the production, development and exchange of international trade in goods statistics. |  |
FATS - foreign affiliates statistics
| |  |
Financial issues in the European Statistical System | |  |
Flash estimates for income and poverty | |  |
Food safety statistics | | |
Forestry statistics and accounts | |  |
GISCO working group - Integration of statistical and geospatial information | Working group with National Statistical Offices and National Mapping and Cadastral Authorities. Members of the working group are EU representatives of National Statistical Offices and National Mapping Authorities. |  |
Global Value Chains | |  |
Harmonised European Time Use Survey (HETUS) | |  |
Household Budget Survey group (HBS) | |  |
Income and Living conditions | | |
Infra-annual data on living conditions | |  |
Innovative tools and sources for Household Budget Survey and Time Use Survey | |  |
Integrated Global Accounts Expert Group | |  |
International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames - Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers | This interest group contains information and papers relating to International Roundtable meetings on Business Survey Frames - Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers. |  |
International Statistical Cooperation
| |  |
International Trade in Services statistics | This group contains information relevant to the International Trade in Services Statistics |  |
IPSAS public consultation | |  |
ISCO - International Standard Classification of Occupations | | |
IT Directors Group | |  |
IT Working Group | |  |
Labour Market Policy (LMP) statistics | |  |
Labour Market Statistics Working Group
| |  |
LUCAS Grants | |  |
LUCAS LCU Working Group | |  |
LUCAS Task Force | The LUCAS long term strategy for the collection of land cover and land use information aims at an integration of Member States data in future LUCAS data collections. The Task Force should make recommendations, propose concrete actions, develop assessment criteria and define an action plan in order to achieve the projected results. |  |
Management Group for Statistical Cooperation | |  |
MEDSTAT Phase II - Official Domain
| | |
MEDSTAT Phase III | |  |
Meetings on Transport Statistics | Basic information (i.e. agenda and minutes) |  |
Modernisation of Social Statistics | Streamlining Social Statistics; Statistical matching; Administrative data sources; Statistical Frames; Standardisation of key social variables |  |
Monitoring GNI for own resource purposes | Forum of information on the work of the GNI Committee |  |
NACE/CPA Review Task Force | | |
National Accounts Working Group (public) | |  |
PEEIs | |  |
Population Statistics | |  |
Population Statistics public folders | |  |
PPP | | |
Price Statistics | The price statistics expert group focuses on harmonised indices of consumer prices, multi-purpose consumer price statistics and housing statistics. This site is used for exchange of documents between Eurostat and the National Statistical Institutes. |  |
PRODCOM | Forum for information about PRODCOM - Production of Manufactured goods |  |
Public Health Statistics | |  |
Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) | Purchasing Power Parities |  |
Quality in Statistics | Documents and information relating to the Eurostat working group for implementing the European Code of Practice in order to enhance the quality of the statistics produced in the European Statistical System. |  |
Real Estate Statistics | The CIRCABC Interest Group on Housing Statistics aims at being an information network whose main objective is to share information between all parties involved in the Project. |  |
Regional and Urban Statistics | On this Group you can find information about various aspects of European Regional and Urban Statistics (such as documents of the Regional and Urban Statistics Working Group). |  |
S&T and Innovation statistics | Information of relevance to the Science, Technology and Innovation Working Group |  |
SBS | |  |
SDMX development | |  |
Shared Tools Expert Group | |  |
Short-term business statistics (STS) | Short-term economic indicators and the implementation of the Council Regulation No 1165/98 of 19 May 1998 and the Regulation No 1158/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2005 |  |
| |  |
Sport Statistics | Agenda and working documents for Task forces and Working groups for Sport Statistics |  |
Standards Working Group | The group is responsible for thoroughly operationally and technically preparing all dossiers in the broad area of data and metadata standards and classifications prior to the decisions to be taken in the DIME/ITDG in preparation to the work of European Statistical System Committee (ESSC) within the governance system of the European Statistical System (ESS). |  |
Statistical cooperation with candidate and potential candidate countries | |  |
Statistical cooperation with third countries (ACP ALA) | | |
Statistical Management Information System (SMIS+)
| |  |
Statistical Metadata | Forum for information on Statistical Metadata (metadata needed by users and producers of data, exchange of metadata among national and international organisations and within the European Statistical System, metadata assisting search and interpretation). |  |
Statistical Training in Eurostat | Training material of statistical training courses delivered in Eurostat for the period 2013-2017. Please be advised that participation to these training courses is limited to official EU staff and subject to availability. | |
Statistiques de la pêche. | Documents on Fisheries statistics - working groups, methodology, etc... |  |
STNE Working Group | |  |
Transport Statistics | Forum of information on Transport statistics |  |
Urban Statistics | This Interest Group is dedicated to information and documents related to Urban Statistics. |  |
Wages and Labour Cost Statistics
| | |
Working Group on European Statistical System (ESS) Learning and Development Framework (LDF) and Human Resources Management (HRM) | This Public Interest Group is accessible to eveyrone and it contains all the working documents and presentations of related Working Groups. |  |
Working Group on Methodology | | |
Working Group on Statistical Confidentiality (WGSC) | |  |
X-DIS Census Hub
| |  |