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ATEX group of Notified Bodies
Welcome to the Interest Group 'ATEX group of Notified Bodies'.

The CIRCABC Interest Group of the European ATEX Notified Bodies Group (ExNBG) provides Internet-based support to facilitate exchanges of information with regard to obligations as set out in the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU. More info on EUROPA:

Join this Group

.Contact information

Should you wish to subscribe to this Group or for further information, please feel free to contact:

Chairperson: Mr Jasmin Omerovic - UL International Demko A/S Tel: +45 21 27 99 41

Vice-Chairpersons: Mr Thierry Houeix – INERIS Tel. Tel: +33 3 44 55 64 88 & Mr Francesco Esposito – IMQ Tel: +39 02 5073 749

Technical Secretariat: Dr Hermann Dinkler - VdTÜV Tel: +49 30 760095-540 Fax: +49 30 760095-541

European Commission Representative: Mr Jan Mayerhöfer - European Commission - DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Administrative Secretariat: Downtown Europe

.What's new
Icon of this container type 1-ExNBG-rulesLibrary/ Public folder/ 16 July 2024 11:08
Icon of the document's physical file format ExNB-rules 2024-02-26.pdfLibrary/ Public folder/ 1-ExNBG-rules/ 193.45 KB16 July 2024 11:08
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