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Icon of the document's physical file format 01. Towards an inclusion balance: accounting for gross change in Europeans’ living conditions (Statistics Austria)2.17 MB11 February 2011 16:09View DetailsDownloadCopy
Icon of the document's physical file format 02. In-work poverty in the EU (INSEE)13.61 MB11 February 2011 16:10View DetailsDownloadCopy
Icon of the document's physical file format 03. The comparability of imputed rent (Statistics Finland)0.96 MB11 February 2011 16:10View DetailsDownloadCopy
Icon of the document's physical file format 04. Distributional impact of imputed rent (Statistics Finland)3.35 MB11 February 2011 16:11View DetailsDownloadCopy
Icon of the document's physical file format 05. Income poverty and material deprivation in European countries (IWEPS & CEPS)411 KB11 February 2011 16:11View DetailsDownloadCopy
Icon of the document's physical file format 06. Macro determinants of individual income poverty in 93 regions of Europe (Nancy University & CEPS)4.75 MB11 February 2011 16:12View DetailsDownloadCopy
Icon of the document's physical file format 07. Inequality, growth and mobility (ISER, LAMETA & CEPS)2.7 MB11 February 2011 16:15View DetailsDownloadCopy
Icon of the document's physical file format 08. Economic downturn and stress testing European welfare system (ISER)7.55 MB11 February 2011 16:13View DetailsDownloadCopy
Icon of the document's physical file format 09. Household structure in the EU (ISER)2.37 MB11 February 2011 16:14View DetailsDownloadCopy
Icon of the document's physical file format 10. Social participation and social isolation (European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Austria)2.49 MB11 February 2011 15:58View DetailsDownloadCopy
Icon of the document's physical file format 11. Analysing the socioeconomic determinants of health in Europe: new evidence from EU-SILC (LSE - UK)5.02 MB11 February 2011 15:46View DetailsDownloadCopy
Icon of the document's physical file format 12. Methodological issues in the analysis of the socioeconomic determinants of health using EU-SILC data (LSE - UK)6.91 MB11 February 2011 15:48View DetailsDownloadCopy
Icon of the document's physical file format 13. The distribution of employees’ labour earnings in the EU: data, concepts and first results (Bank of Italy)7.44 MB11 February 2011 15:50View DetailsDownloadCopy
Icon of the document's physical file format 14. Educational intensity of employment and polarisation in Europe and the US (Kent State University, Ohio, USA)412.83 KB11 February 2011 15:53View DetailsDownloadCopy
Icon of the document's physical file format 15. Robustness of some EU-SILC based indicators at regional level (Siena University, Italy)2.15 MB11 February 2011 15:54View DetailsDownloadCopy
Icon of the document's physical file format 16. An assessment of survey errors in EU-SILC (Siena University, Italy)1.83 MB11 February 2011 15:56View DetailsDownloadCopy
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