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EU Biodiversity Platform
Welcome to the Interest Group 'EU Biodiversity Platform'.

Welcome to the EU Biodiversity Platform! Here you can find all information and documents relevant to the work of this group.

Several sub-groups have been created to examine specific questions related to the work of the EUBP:

Nature Directives (NADEG)

Reporting under the Nature Directives

Marine Issues (MEG)

Monitoring and Assessment (MA)


Forests and Nature

Green Infrastructure and Restoration

Invasive Alien Species (IAS)

This group is chaired by DG Environment (Unit D.2 "Natural Capital and Ecosystem Health"). It brings together the European Commission, Member States' representatives and various stakeholders, as well as the European Environment Agency. It provides advice to the Commission, and fosters cooperation for the coherent implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, the EU Nature Directives (Birds Directive and Habitats Directive) and other EU policy and legislation on biodiversity. This Group also liaises with the Nature Directors as appropriate.

.Contact information

Contact Information

Contact the EU Biodiversity Team at

Description and purpose of the interest group

Provision of advice on biodiversity policy, coordination and exchange of information and knowledge

Membership criteria

Member States nominate their representatives at the group and at its sub-groups. Membership of stakeholder organisations has been fixed on the basis of a call for membership that closed on 18 February 2022. Organisations and individuals may wish to contact EUBP Members representing their field of activity or interest in order to provide input to the group's work.

.What's new
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