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Library icon
The Library is the space where contents are stored, managed and shared.

Repository of background documents on ESS Vision 2020, its implementation and management of ESS.VIPs. 5 folders and 1 files in this space.

Title Click here to sort the list in reverse alphabetical order using this columnModified Date Click here to sort the list in reverse alphabetical order using this columnActions
Icon of the selected element ESS Vision 202022 September 2015 11:30View DetailsCopy
Icon of the selected element ESSC documents7 December 2016 13:37View DetailsCopy
Icon of the selected element Newsletter7 September 2017 12:14View DetailsCopy
Icon of the selected element Portfolio, projects29 July 2016 12:35View DetailsCopy
Icon of the selected element Presentations23 March 2016 11:06View DetailsCopy
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Name Click here to sort the list in reverse alphabetical order using this columnSize Click here to sort the list in reverse alphabetical order using this columnModified Date Click here to sort the list in reverse alphabetical order using this columnActions
Icon of the document's physical file format ESS_Vision_2020.pdf255.66 KB9 January 2015 13:02View DetailsDownloadCopy
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