0. Public Documents Repository - VAT | All the documents of the VAT Committee, the VAT Expert Group, the Group on the Future of VAT and the Working Party No 1 made available to the public. | |
AEO SECTION | Issues related to the AEO concept |  |
Binding Origin Information, public data | Binding Origin Information, public data |  |
CESOP | | |
CFW – Competency Framework | CFW – Competency Framework |  |
Consult citizens cross-border tax problems | Consultation on tax problems faced by EU citizens when active across borders within the EU. |  |
Consultation on Double Tax Conventions and the Internal Market: factual examples of double taxation cases
| | |
Consultation on financial sector taxation
| | |
Consultation on the review of the customs legislation on controls of cash entering or leaving the EU | Consultation on the review of the customs legislation on controls of cash entering or leaving the EU |  |
Documents related to Company Taxation Initiatives | Documents related to Company Taxation Initiatives |  |
EU Advance Cargo Information System (ICS2) | | |
EU VAT Cross-Border Rulings | CBR – Cross Border Rulings |  |
EU VAT Forum (public group) | EU VAT Forum (public group) |  |
EU-Norway VAT Administrative Cooperation | To share documents relating to EU-Norway administrative cooperation in the field of VAT. |  |
Euro denaturants (Alcohol) – CDA & PDA | Euro denaturants (Alcohol) – CDA & PDA |  |
EXCISE DUTY - Policy developments – Alcohol. | All relevant documents linked with the evaluation of Council Directive 92/83/EEC on the harmonisation of the structures of excise duties on alcohol and alcoholic beverages. This group provides useful information to all stakeholders interested in the policy developments of the structures of excise duty on alcohol and alcoholic beverages. |  |
Excise Duty Tables (Archive) | Archived Excise Duty Tables |  |
ICS2 Release 1: air pre-loading postal and express | | |
ICS2 Release 2: air cargo general, postal and express pre-arrival | | |
ICS2 Release 3: maritime, road, rail and postal and express goods transported via those modes | | |
Information on the work of the CoC Group | Information about the work of the Code of Conduct Group |  |
Inheritance tax consultation | Consultation on cross-border inheritance tax problems within the EU. |  |
Interest Group on the Interim Evaluation of the Union Customs Code implementation - Public Consultation results | | |
Public consultation - Import of Cultural Goods | |  |
Public consultation - SME Cooperative Compliance Programme | | |
Public Consultation - Stronger EU tax cooperation through crypto-assets, e-money and tailored compliance measures | | |
public consultation dividends taxation | |  |
Public consultation on "EU tax policy – evaluation of communication channels" | | |
Public consultation on cross-border shopping of alcohol beverages and tobacco products by private individuals | |  |
Public consultation on Tax Avoidance: Fighting the use of shell entities and arrangements for tax purposes | | |
Public consultation on the functioning of the administrative cooperation and fight against fraud in the field of VAT | This group contains the results of the public consultation organised by DG TAXUD on administrative cooperation and fight against fraud in the field of VAT |  |
Public Consultation on the Re-launch of the CCCTB | Results of the Public Consultation on the Re-launch of the CCCTB |  |
Public consultation on the taxation of alcohol and alcoholic beverages | | |
Public consultation on the taxation of tobacco products and new products | |  |
Public consultation on “Taxpayers rights” | |  |
Public specifications for transit, export, entry | Specifications for NCTS-P4, NCTS-P5, AES, ECS-P2 and ICS-P1 (for the public – for info only) |  |
Results of the 2017 open public consultation on Excise duties applied to manufactured tobacco | As part of the open public consultation on tobacco, users had the possibility to upload one document to support their position. The documents that have been uploaded and a simplified statistics report of the results of the public consultation are published in this group. |  |
Results of the 2017 open public consultation on the Evaluation of the European customs inventory of chemical substances (ECICS) | As part of the open public consultation on ECICS , users had the possibility to upload one document to support their position. The documents that have been uploaded and a summary report of the results of the public consultation are published in this group. | |
Results of the 2017 open public consultation on the General arrangements for excise duty – harmonisation and simplification | As part of the open public consultation on the General arrangements for excise duty, users had the possibility to upload one document to support their position. The documents that have been uploaded and a summary report of the results of the public consultation are published in this group. | |
Results of the 2018 public consultation on excise duties applied to manufactured tobacco and the possible taxation of novel products | | |
Results of the open public consultation on a Fair taxation of the digital economy | As part of the open public consultation on the Fair taxation of the digital economy, users had the possibility to upload one document to support their position. The documents that have been uploaded and a summary report of the results of the public consultation are published in this group. | |
Results of the open public consultation on the Evaluation of invoicing rules | | |
Results of the open public consultation on the Exchange of data to combat VAT fraud in the e-commerce | As part of the open public consultation on the Exchange of data to combat VAT fraud in e-commerce, users had the possibility to upload one document to support their position. The documents that have been uploaded and a summary report of the results of the public consultation are published in this group. |  |
Results of the public consultation on EU drug precursors regulations | |  |
Results of the public consultation on customs valuation decisions | | |
Results of the public consultation on Evaluation of the EU framework for taxation of energy products and electricity | | |
Structures of taxation systems | | |
TARIC and Quota data and information | This group held by Unit A4 of DG Taxation and Customs Union provides information and downloadable data, which are extracted from the Taric database and the Quota database. It is public and not password-protected. No registration is mandatory. However you may also sign up, which will guarantee being informed of the updates when they are published. |  |
Tax Collection (public group) | Tax Collection |  |
WHT initiative - Public Consultation | | |